Gearing Up for a New Adventure

Hello! Welcome to Geared for Story! My name is Tim, and thank you for taking the time to check out my site. There’s so much I would like to say, and, thankfully, this blog will allow me to get it all out there.

For starters, let’s begin with who I am. At the time of this (wow, FIRST) post, I am an author, filmmaker, and after-school teacher from the Bay Area. I’ve worked in education for six years and professional film for five. Although I am at present a soon-to-be author, that will soon be rectified. My debut novel, Fable’s Folklore: The Book of Origins, is slated to release on Amazon and Kindle very soon. I’ll be sure to give you both the launch details and my initial feelings about my experience self-publishing in future posts.

Speaking of, what will these blog posts look like? Subject wise, I love stories and their mediums, such as books, movies, anime, and videogames. These will all be fair game. The art of storytelling will also be a constant theme. Prior to the COVID-19 Shelter in Place, I taught a weeklong story writing class for summer school. This blog will make a good place to expound on those old lessons. I may not comment on current events much, but if something significant occurs, there is a chance I will address it.

To be honest, this is the first serious blog I’ve ever had. I had a journal in 8th grade that I wrote in almost daily (looking back inside? MAJOR cringe…), a Travel Journal for when I went on extended trips during high school, and a school assignment blog I made in 11th grade (which has been lost to time). I’m not entirely sure how formal or informal other authors run theirs. What I do know is that consistency is key. I’ll keep this blog casual and leave my more formal wording to my stories. That way, you can get an idea of how I am in person. Additionally, while I will be sharing random thoughts and story updates every so often, I will for sure post a larger “editorial” piece every second Saturday of each month. While that may seem few and far between, I don’t want to get overly ambitious at the start and burn myself out too quickly. Like any good story, pacing is important.

Also, if the self-quote on the Stories page is any indication, there will be puns.

You have been warned.

Again, thank you for joining me in this new chapter in my storytelling career. I hope you enjoy the tales I share with you.


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