
The Artisan stops

Steps back to admire his work

His gaze upon me


Black ceramic bowl

Lacquer sheen fills me with pride

This body of clay


Felt down to my core

The artisan’s love and care

Wonderfully made


Here, I feel secure

My shape, my sheen, and my shine

One word: Masterpiece


What is this? A crack?

A small splinter in my side

Where did it come from?


There. I see the source

A boy. My best friend. And now

I watch as he leaves


With him goes laughter

Memories and good times, too

I’m quiet, alone


It’s okay. Really!

It’s barely noticeable

Can’t even see it


Crack. Oh, no. Again?

I see it beside the first

Larger than before


Unrequited love

You can’t blame me for trying

Thought she could be mine


High school. We were young

Held on to this crush four years

Her studies came first


Okay, not too bad

What’s another crack to me?

Shouldn’t have said that…


A chip in my rim

The college I had desired



Confusion sets in

I look to the Artisan

Does he see the cracks?


Crash! Ow! That one hurt

Half of me is in pieces

A lesson defiled


I drew close to her

My first in many a thing

Happiness renewed


Not even two months

Different love languages

She did not like touch


Yes, I tried to change

But there was not enough time

Thought I grew from this


Fast forward five years

Vising old friends. Sisters

They thought they told me


They saw her with him

She did like touch. Just not mine

Lesson, side, shattered


Anger. Sadness. Fear

I barely notice. New crack

What could this one do?


Found it in my base

Now the whole world is shut down

Virulent outbreak


Isolated. Crack

Job opportunities: Gone

Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack


My sheen is all smudged

Can’t see me from the debris

My lacquer, faded


I am broken. Crushed

The proud black bowl in pieces

Tell me: What’s my worth?


The Artisan comes

I hide my pain and my shame

Defective product


Crucible ignites

Fair. I’d get rid of me, too

He pours gold, not me


I watch as it melts

A balm worth more than rubies

Atop the workbench


Nostalgic hands take me

My pieces stacked together

The cracks sealed with gold


I don’t deserve this!

I am broken. Useless. Trash

It’s wasted on me


“Your cracks have purpose

Alone, you can do nothing

Let me shine through you”


I look at my cracks

The gold brings out something new

My life redefined


A friend I once lost

Replaced by much stronger men

True friendship kindled


The love for one girl

Once selfish and self-serving

Serves others by choice


Patience prepared me

For the proper transfer time

College life enriched


Fear of betrayal

Soothed by a new loving hand

And tender kisses


From pandemic’s ash

Came stories, inspiration

And a dream come true


Gold stand out from black

Imagination surpassed

Good things bowls can’t cry


I have been made whole

By my Artisan’s true love

My life, his story


Break, repair, make new

This is the golden parable

Of the Kintsugi


In Perfect Harem-ony


Seek and You will Find