Solstice Shenanigans

For those who follow Round Two Gaming on Twitch, you know that I play Destiny 2 often with my friends Daniel and Josh. Yesterday was no exception. The Solstice event just went live, and we’ve been grinding to level up our armor to the best it can be. I love how this year’s design sports a black and gold shader (if it isn’t obvious by now, black with gold trim is my favorite color scheme).

That brings us to the following clip. For context, one of the tasks we have to complete is a certain number of Strike missions (for those unfamiliar, they’re PvE missions with small standalone stories). We happened to load in to the Inverted Spire mission. This particular Strike was the first one Bungie made available when Destiny 2 neared launch. We’ve played this mission so much, we can melt the final boss before the end of the first phase of the fight.

So there we were, flying through the Strike, quite literally on our Sparrow hover bikes, when this happened.

In the last few years of playing Destiny, I don’t think I’ve ever had that happen before. Glad to see this game still has some surprises!

*Side note: apparently, Squarespace won’t let you post videos to your site unless there’s a URL, so now I have a YouTube channel….Wonderful….*


“Shame Less” Plug


(Pre)Order of Events