Session 1

Roll for Initiative

A large festival was being held in Draco’s hometown to commemorate a newly built church, and the rest of the Party happened to be passing through. They all had a grand old time.

They watched as the priest gave a moving story about how a goddess fell to earth, was helped by a blind child, and rewarded the child by turning her into an immortal butterfly. The staff released crates of swallowtail butterflies into the air, creating a beautiful sight.

Ciara showed off her shooting skills and earned herself the promise of a good deal at the local armory.

Jyn pilfered a man’s wallet just before he told his daughter he’d buy her a treat. Unfortunately, my attempt at guilt-tripping him did not stick…

Chaka made friends with the head of a local orphanage and a pack of stray dogs. I love how he improvised the talking-to-dogs part (you’ll find out why shortly).

Rainstorm ate…and ate…

At the climax of the festival, a band of goblins leapt out of hiding and attacked the townsfolk. One of them mortally wounded one of the stray dogs, because, canonically, goblins hate dogs. This made Chaka very angry. So angry, in fact, he used Enlarge Person on himself to take out as many goblins as possible.

The rest of the Party jumped in as well. Ciara never missed a shot, Rainstorm took some down with her spells, and Jyn, as a sign of intimidation, ate a goblin. Just gobbled its top half in front of its buddies. Needless to say, it was effective.

Draco, inspired by the heroic actions before him, grabbed a longspear a guard had dropped and joined the fray. He even killed his first goblin. During a break in the action, he healed the stray dog Chaka was grieving over, earning him some brownie points. (Fun fact: Oracles are to Clerics like Sorcerers are to Wizards. Essentially, Draco is a Charisma-based healer. He may have had a 7 in Intelligence, but at Level 1, some lucky rolls and racial boosts started him off with a 19 in Charisma)

Near the tail end of the attack, the Party rescued a Nobleman from a group of goblins. He was greatly impressed with Ciara, who shot a goblin commando off its goblin dog mount with a single attack. After promising to repay them soon, he left.

In part to their heroic deeds, the Innkeeper who ran the place Draco worked at offered to let the Party stay for a week with free room and board. The rest of the townsfolk were quick to sing the accolades of their new town heroes.

(Now, this would’ve been the spot to end the session, but I have to note that Jyn had other ideas. He heard about a drinking challenge at another tavern and, before retiring for the night, insisted on taking it. The challenge in question was drinking the brackish water from a hagfish’s tank. If the goblin from earlier was any indicator, he won that challenge and 300 silver.)