Session 3

A Pane in the Glass

Sometimes, I stoop a little low for the sake of making a pun. I’m normally pretty decent at checking myself, but this one was too good to pass up.

The note from the Brother indicated a secret meeting at the nearby glass factory (wink-wink, nudge-nudge). Recruiting the Elf Ranger along the way and using some creative jerry rigging with the back door, they infiltrated the factory and found goblins making a mess of the place (some of which danced around a poor man who’d been freshly encased in glass).

The Party took them down and found their ringleader, the Brother, in the basement. Jyn saved Draco from taking a Dogslicer to the face, but Chaka later used a flash-type spell without warning. Due to Draco’s Curse, he was temporarily blinded and vulnerable to attack.

They tried to capture the Brother, but he took his own life, whispering the words, “I’ll see you again when you come to power, my love,” before passing.

(As a side note, there was a point when Draco was cornered by a goblin. Due to a longspear’s Reach property, it can attack enemies 2 spaces away, but not adjacent. Not wanting to risk an Attack of Opportunity, I kept him in one spot and on the defensive. It wasn’t until after the encounter that our more experienced Players informed me about the Disengage mechanic, which would’ve let me move one space back without invoking an Attack of Opportunity. Yes, I’m still learning all the rules, but at least I’m keeping the story part fun.)

The Party found three things after the encounter.

First was the Innkeeper, whom they had escorted back to safety by the Elf Ranger.

Second, they discovered the Brother’s personal journal. Inside they found multiple large scale plans to invade the town with more goblins and several entries about his lover and apparent leader of the goblin army, an Asimar woman in the middle of transforming into a demonic creature (they wouldn’t let Draco look inside the journal because some of the entries got too intimate with their details). Furthermore, the Asimar was the disgraced and thought-to-be-dead daughter of the town’s former minister (the one whose body was stolen back in Session 2). One journal entry mentioned how the Asimar gained a demonic arm by sacrificing her father’s corpse to a god of monsters, and how sacrificing the rest of the town could complete the transformation.

Finally, the last thing they discovered before the end of the session was a hidden passage in the factory basement. This secret tunnel led to ancient catacombs hidden beneath the town.

(This is around the time of the Party’s first Level Up. After his performance in the last session, Chaka decided to take on a level of Barbarian to up his front-line potential.)